| pertanian | peternakan & perikanan | perdagangan | industri | kehutanan | pariwisata |



Forming marketing and investment team is one of the business breakthrough that has been done by Sragen Government. The forming of the team is based of on recent condition and situation such as fast growing development global trade that followed by the increasing of many outstanding products in Sragen Regency. The general trading of those prime products urges to manage professionally in order to fasten society income, economy growth and increase regional revenues.

This team is also formed as a place for others area out of Sragen to market their commodity in Sragen. In this case, Sragen through its marketing team has placed itself as a trading house for all local products or other regency’s product.

Thus, it is hoped that the economy growth both in Sragen as well as in other regencies can be fully expected.



Agriculture sector still become one of the outstanding potency of Sragen regency. Sragen has been popular as a national rice stocks and the main food supplier in Indonesia. The large of Sragen Regency is 94.155 Ha and 42,52 % or about 40.037,93 ha is a field rice and 57,47 % or 54.117 Ha is a dry field. The support of the human resources in agriculture sector is very big, because most of the Sragen’s population is a farmer.

- Organic Rice

- Mango

- Watermelon

- Big Orange

- Dragon Fruit

- Chili



Husbandry and Fishery

One of strategic program of Sragen Government is animal husbandry in developing Brangus Cow by creating area of breeding in some villages in Sragen Regency. Beside that, there are also poultry of dairy cow, goat, deer, duck and chicken. This development program is supported by many activities such as artificial insemination, healthy animal and partnership of cow cattle.


In fishery, Sragen Regency has big potency to be developed. It is approved in 2005, the production of fish which is produced by fish farmers in Sragen reached 3.277.500 Kg. It is more than Rp. 3 M. The kind of fish that is breeded such as red nila, black nila, gurame, mujahir, gold fish, gabus / karper, tawes and lele.




Most people know Solo, Pekalongan and Yogyakarta as the main producer of Batik. Just few that notice actually Sragen is also the batik  producer. There are more than 4.769 unit with production capacity is about 120.1500 pieces / month.  Moreover, batik with special design by Sragen batikcraft overload the batik market in solo, Yogyakarta, pekalongan, Surabaya, Denpasar and jakart. Sragen batik also has penetrated foreign market such as Malaysia, Singapura, Africa, America and japan


- Beber Puppet

- Stones

- Bird Cage

- Coconut Button


To support the development of Furniture Industry, the government of Sragen has prepared a specific area for a furniture industry and craft which cooperates with ASMINDO (Asosiasi Industri Permebelan dan Kerajinan Indonesia) Surakarta.          


Sragen Government tries to help the society by establishing “Packaging House” or the centre of packaging the food that controlled by Industry Division of Dinas Prindustrian, Perdagangan, Koperasi dan UKM to make Traditional Foods more competitive than the modern ones.


Forestry and Plantation

Garut (Arrowroot / Maranta Arundinacea) is one of outstanding product from Sragen. It has a lot of  economical and healthy values. The Arrowroot contains lots of fiber so its product is good for digestive system.

Garut ( Arrowroot / Maranta Arundinacea) has been planned by the Government to be one of  outstanding food commodity. It has great priority to be developed because it can  substitute the wheat flour. As the source of carbohydrate, Garut starts to be developed seriously by the Government.



Sragen has a lot of tourism sites with its high religious, historical and economical values. The main characteristic of tourism in Sragen is its beautiful scenery, traditional value that still be upholded, the availability of professional tourism guide with all the international standard facilities

- Sangiran Museum

- Kedung Ombo Dam

- Nyi Ageng Serang Horse Race

- Kliwonan Batik Village.

- Bayanan Hot Spa